Protein Powder 101 VIDEO and ARTICLE: Benefits of Whey Protein Powder for Men and Women

Protein is the building blocks of your muscles, bones and metabolic processes that happen in your body. Our bodies do not naturally produce protein, so we have to get it in our diet through high quality outside sources.

Supplementing and using a whey protein powder is one additional and effective way to include protein in your nutrition lifestyle.

The only problem there is a lot of confusion for someone who has never taken protein powder before, what types of protein powders should you use, protein myths and what the benefits are for someone who is over 30, 40, 50 and 60 years old and more.

In today’s coaching call I will dissect the benefits of supplementing with whey protein powders for our health, fitness, weight loss, muscle growth and more, while educating you on whey protein in general.


In The Coaching Video We Will Cover:

  • What is Whey Protein
  • Difference Between Whey Protein Concentrate and Isolate
  • Biological Value Protein
  • 6 Protein Myths
  • Different types of Protein Powders
  • 5 Things To Look Out for When Purchasing Protein Powder Supplement
  • Benefits of Protein Powder For Men And Women
  • 5 Hidden Ways To Use Protein Powders
  • Best Protein Powder On The Market

What is Whey Protein

Much of the protein found in protein bars, drinks and powders is derived from milk. When the milk is being processed to form yogurt or cheese, the remaining part of it or the liquid is called whey.

Whey protein is a fast-digesting protein.

Whey is considered a high-quality protein as it contains all the amino acids needed for your body.

whey is also beneficial for increasing the production of new protein in your muscles.

There are several different types of whey protein used in supplements. Two of the most common forms are whey isolate and whey concentrate.

Both forms use different processing techniques which produced different nutritional content in each.

  • Protein concentrates: Produced by extracting protein from whole food using heat and acid or enzymes. These typically supply 60–80% protein, with the remaining 20–40% composed of fat and carbs.

  • Protein isolates: An additional filtering process removes more fat and carbs, further concentrating the protein. Protein isolate powders contain about 90–95% protein.

When it comes to choosing between the two, you want to use Whey Protein Isolate…as mentioned above, whey protein goes through a different processing than Whey Concentrate which results in whey isolate containing MORE protein with LESS carbs and fats per serving.

The Biological Value of Proteins

If you’ve been doing some reading on protein foods and supplements, you may have heard the word ‘biological value’ being tossed around. BV, as it’s referred to as short, is basically referring to how well a particular type of protein is utilized in the body.

The higher the biological value, the better use your body will make of that protein and the more it’ll help you reach your goals.

It only stands to reason then that you’ll want to put the highest BV proteins into your body. After all, why waste time with something that’s less than optimal?

How do the various proteins stack up?

Here’s a list.

  • Whey Protein Isolate – BV = 159

  • Whey Protein Concentrate = 104

  • Eggs (whole) – BV = 100

  • Eggs (whites) – BV = 88

  • Chicken/Turkey – BV = 79

  • Casein protein – BV = 77

  • Soy protein – BV = 74

  • Fish – BV = 70

  • Lean Beef – BV = 69

  • Cow’s Milk – BV = 60

So, as you can see, whey protein really tops the list here. This is because whey protein isolate has actually been manufactured to be digested even better by the body than the gold standard eggs.

Your body knows just what to do when you feed it whey isolate. It’ll quickly take up those amino acids and quickly start putting them to good use.

6 Biggest Myths About Protein – Protein Myths BUSTED

There’s a lot of talk about protein powders in the health food world. Some say supplementing protein is essential to life… others say it just makes you gassy and gain weight. Let’s cut through the crap and get to the TRUTH.

Yes, there are many myths and half-truths about protein powders.

Most of them are perpetuated by companies who want you to buy THEIR product and not the competitor’s.

Yet it’s the QUALITY of protein that has the biggest effect on how your body reacts…

MYTH #1) Protein powders make you gain weight
Many people believe that if you take protein without working out strenuously, you’ll gain more unwanted weight. That’s just not true. Studies show that adding a specific amount of high-quality whey isolate protein daily can actually help you LOSE weight.

MYTH #2) Protein powders are Protein Powders

This is probably the worst generalization in the history of nutrition. There are thousands of different types of protein at a molecular level.  There are usually 2 sides to every protein debate: isolate vs concentrate, quick release vs sustained released and whey vs casein.

The absorption rate is the speed at which protein is digested, Quick release proteins like WHEY get’s to your muscles faster and is perfect for intra and post workout shakes when you muscles are starving for it. Sustained release protein like casein have a much slower absorption rate and usually taken at night.

Which one is better…well if you are a hard core bodybuilder than you probably want to use both but for most of us out there that are looking to build some lean muscle, burn fat, recover faster from workouts and stay health…a 100% Natural Whey Protein Isolate is the way to go.

MYTH #3) Too Much Protein is hard on your kidneys

You probably heard this from your drunk friend who should be more worried about the effects of the alcohol’s effects on your kidney. Unless you are on renal dialysis or throwing down a full 2lb canister of protein powder every day, your kidneys will be fine.  If you are digesting a log of protein you need to be drinking lots of water, which you are doing anyway

MYTH #4) Protein powders make you gassy
This is one of those half-truths… because low-quality protein causes a lot of stomach discomfort. But if you have the right digestive enzymes to compliment your protein, you’ll avoid those unpleasant feelings and even have better absorption and digestion.

MYTH #5) Your body can’t digest more than 30 grams of Protein at a time

This is another brutal myth.  Do you really think our bodies could survive with only 30 grams of protein per meal?  The truth is that protein just takes a little longer to digest and be utilized. Digestion of a standard meal is incomplete after about 5 hours and amino acids are still being released into your blood stream and into your muscles.

MYTH #6) Protein Powders will make women too muscular

It’s going to take a lot more than proteins shakes to get your way more muscular. That comes from increasing your testosterone levels to the limits.  There is no point where any women needs to worry about a good whey protein isolate making them more jacked. You will lose more weight using protein shakes.

Are you looking for the 100% all natural quality whey protein that’ll help you gain lean, sexy muscle… lose extra weight… without all the negative side effects.


If you are looking to get on board with a protein supplement, it’s important that you consider which types of protein supplements are available to use.

Walk into any supplement store or do a quick search online and you’ll be met with a dizzying array of options.

How does each stack up?

Let’s look at the main protein supplements you might be considering.

Whey Protein Powder

First you have whey protein powder. This is the gold standard of protein powders. It’s the one that everyone can use at any point during the day. It’s highly versatile, it’s very lean (consisting of nearly 100% pure protein if you get a good quality one!), and it’s quite cost effective.

Whey protein powder is great for those who are looking to build muscle, burn fat, improve their performance, or simply enhance their health. Don’t forget – whey protein powder can boost your immune system.

Meal Replacement Powder

The second type of protein supplement is a meal replacement powder. These are designed to replace an entire meal, therefore have both fat and carbs added to the mix.

How do these stack up?

Sadly, not so well. When you look at the stats for these powders, you’ll usually find that they are loaded with sugar and the fats they contain aren’t the best variety.

While you may find one or two products out there that aren’t so bad, most simply don’t deliver what you need.

If you want to have a protein supplement as a meal replacement, consider creating your own with a quality whey like LeanPro30 mixed with ground up oatmeal, fresh fruit, and some unsweetened dried coconut flakes. This will give your body far superior nutrition.

Weight Gainer

Finally, the last type of protein supplement you may come across is a weight gainer. If you’re looking to pack on lean muscle mass and have a fast metabolism, these may seem especially attractive.

With 300-1000+ calories per serving, it’s an easy way to get your intake up.

9 Benefits Of Protein

So, what is so great about protein anyway? Why is it the nutrient to eat? Here are the key facts that put it above the rest.

  1. Protein crushes Next time hunger hits you, eat a high protein meal. I guarantee it’ll be gone in a hurry.
  2. Protein boosts your metabolic rate. Want to burn fat faster? Eat protein. For every 100 calories of protein you consume, you’ll burn up around 25-30 of those calories just breaking it down. Neither fats nor carbs can say the same.
  3. Protein helps you retain lean muscle mass. Remember, it’s your lean muscle mass that helps you kick-start your fat burning engine. The more of it you have, the faster you’ll be torching fat all day long. Why risk losing it? Eating enough protein helps ensure you don’t.
  4. Protein stabilizes blood glucose levels. The more stable your blood sugar levels are, the lower your risk of accumulating body fat. This is a major win for getting lean.
  5. Protein helps you recover from your workout sessions. The sooner you recover, the sooner you can get back into the gym to train hard again – and make great progress because of it.

Here are the many ways in which eating more protein can help.

  1. Suppresses your appetite.

If there’s one thing that can quickly destroy your best dietary efforts, hunger is it. Controlling hunger needs to be the name of your game because when it rears its ugly head, all best are off. You are eating whatever you can find.

Protein digests slowly in the body, thus controls hunger for hours. No more clock watching until your next meal comes along.

  1. Boosts your metabolism.

Want an instant boost to your metabolism? Eat more protein. Seriously though. For every 100 calories that you consume from protein rich foods, you’ll burn off around 25 of those calories just breaking that protein down.

This means you only net 75 calories total. It’s like boosting your metabolism by 25%. This all adds up and at the end of the day, may mean far superior weight loss results.

  1. Stabilizes blood glucose levels.

Keeping your blood glucose levels stable is another vital thing you must do if you hope to burn fat successfully. When your blood sugar levels skyrocket, insulin floods your system and takes this glucose up quickly into storage. Unless you’ve just done an intense workout, the storage its taking it to is body fat storage.

Not good. Keeping blood sugar levels – and insulin – stable is a must.

  1. Preserves lean muscle mass tissue.

Finally, protein is great because it can help you preserve lean muscle mass tissue. Remember that the more lean muscle mass tissue you have, the faster you’ll be burning up calories 24/7. Therefore, it pays to ensure you aren’t losing muscle as you diet.

  1. Stabilized blood sugar levels.

Protein is the best nutrient for helping to stabilize your blood glucose levels, which then can help reduce the stress on the pancreas for having to constantly release more and more insulin. When so much insulin is being released on a daily basis, this is going to set you up for diabetes, so something you want to try and avoid.

By eating more protein in your diet plan, you may be able to side-step diabetes entirely.

  1. Tissue Repair and Rebuilding

The protein you eat on a day to day basis is also going to be important for tissue repair and rebuilding. It’ll help ensure that your body is keeping its tissues optimized for performance and that you are feeling your best.

Those who aren’t getting enough protein may find they feel weak and fall ill more easily, and this may even increase their risk factor for disease as well.

  1. Hormone And Enzyme Synthesis

Did you know that protein is required to properly generate hormones and enzymes? Many people don’t realize this, but it is. Without sufficient protein, you may find that you’re unable to digest food as well as you should and this could be due to a lack of digestive enzymes.

Likewise, if hormones are not being manufactured properly, this can impact almost every single system in your body, so can really impact your overall well-being.

  1. Weight Control

Finally, let’s not forget bodyweight control. Eating a higher protein diet, research has illustrated, can help you manage your body weight better, preventing fat gain with age.

Since excess body fat is closely connected to so many other diseases – heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and so on, this can really position you for better overall health success.

  1. Immune boosting properties

Here’s one fact that most people don’t realize about whey protein powder: it boosts your immune system. Drinking a scoop or two of whey protein powder each day can help give you the boost you need to help fend off the common cold and flu, and even may help ward off disease over the long haul as well.

Each and every day your immune system will be taxed as you encounter everyday environmental stressors. If this builds slowly over time, it won’t be long before you’re feeling run-down.


BEWARE: 5 Facts Supplement Companies Don’t Want You To Know

Have you ever gone into a GNC or your supplement store and seen their huge wall of protein powders?

It can be extremely overwhelming seeing dozens of different protein powders in small, medium and large tubs


The one of the thing that frustrates me the most about protein powder supplement companies is that they cut corners in order to get their product on the shelves.

In order to get these supplements on the shelves they have to ensure that they make money, which means the quality of what you are buying is much lower than what is presented to you and what they want you to know.

Today I am going to briefly share with you not 1 but whopping 5 secrets protein supplement companies don’t want you to know and why their protein powder supplements don’t work.

#1: They’re Loaded With Filler Ingredients

When you look at any supplement, not just protein powders, you want pure, natural and quality ingredients. Sadly, most supplements are not going to satisfy this requirement.

Most supplement companies start cutting corners in order to bring you the cheapest product on the market and compete with everyone else. Sadly, this comes at great expense: your results.

Filler ingredients, which are ingredients added to a supplement just to increase the total weight/volume of that supplement, include things like low quality whey concentrate, dextrin, glucose, artificial sweeteners, thickeners, gums, sugar and so forth.

While these may help boost the weight of the protein powder, thus satisfying the ‘5 pound tub’ requirements in order to slap a price tag on the bottle, they are doing nothing to improve your results. In fact, they often are hard to digest and can leave you suffering from bloating, flatulence, as well as gastrointestinal distress.

What’s more is that these ingredients may also raise the glycemic load of the protein powder, which increases your risk of gaining body fat upon eating it. Don’t think that just because the protein powder contains few grams of sugar that means it won’t impact blood glucose levels.

#2: Protein Spiking

Protein spiking is another thing that you need to know about but something most people have never heard about before. Also called amino or nitrogen spiking sometimes, this means that products have cheap amino acids added into their profile and are then labeled as being part of the overall ‘quality’ protein source.

Don’t kid yourself. There is nothing ‘quality’ about these ingredients.

In order to optimize your results, you need complete protein sources, not just the cheapest pickings of amino acids put together. If products are adding individually occurring amino acids such as leucine, isoleucine, valine, glycine, betaine, or taurine, this is a strong sign you are not looking at a quality powder.

While these amino acids may serve great purpose for certain things such as being part of your recovery or intraworkout beverage, they are not ideal for an entire protein powder.

#3: Blended Formula’s

When you find a protein powder that’s blended – for instance it contains 40% whey isolate, 30% casein, and 30% soy protein powder this may seem beneficial as you’re getting a good mix, but really it’s just a way for supplement companies to cheap out on you.

The highest quality proteins are egg white protein, whey protein isolate, and soy protein powder.

When you are buying protein powder that’s loaded with protein concentrate for instance, you’re getting a lower quality product that isn’t going to digest as nicely and won’t benefit your body as much either.

#4: Label Misconceptions

When it comes to making a label for a protein powder product, most supplement companies think revenues and then customers. They are out to increase their bottom line and will do whatever it takes to do that – even if it comes at the expense of their customers.

The truth is that these companies have a decent amount of wiggle room to make vague claims that aren’t depicting the real story of what the package contains. So if you read for example that the protein powder you’re holding contains 23 grams of protein in every serving but it doesn’t say how many grams per serving you need to get that, that’s one way they could be misleading you. Perhaps two scoops is actually what constitutes a serving.

Whenever you are reading a label, make sure you really analyze it and look for ways that you could be being deceived. The best thing to do is to flip that label over and look at the ingredient list.

Ingredients must be listed (by law) in the order from the highest quantity ingredient to the lowest. Sadly, there is a way for companies to get around this as well. If they list a blend and then in brackets, list out five or six other ingredients, know that the ingredient listed at the end of the bracket is probably there in very small dosages. Don’t think you’re getting much of it.

Even though the concentration is very low though, the supplement company can still list it as containing it and advertise it’s a quality product.

#5: Cheap Protein Powder

Finally note that the protein powder you consume is only the end product here. What about the cows that it came from? How were they fed and raised? These all factor into the quality of the protein and often are something that most people don’t think twice about.

Ideally you want whey isolate as it’s the highest form of protein out there and you want this to come from grass fed cows, not grain fed cows on a crowded large-scale industrial setting.

Let me make one thing clear.  Not all supplement companies are out to scam you or take your money without leading you to getting great results.

There are companies out there with your best interest in mind.

5 Hidden Ways To Use Protein Powders

When someone says ‘protein powder’ to you, what comes to mind? Chugging back a protein shake?

If so, you aren’t alone. This is what most people think about when they consider a whey protein powder. But, this isn’t how it has to be. The fact of the matter is there are many great ways to use protein powder that have nothing to do with mixing it with water and slamming it back.

Still not sure? Let me prove it to you.

  1. Protein Powder Flavored Greek Yogurt

Know that Greek yogurt is a healthy option for your diet plan but hate the taste? You should always avoid pre-flavored yogurts of any type as they’ll come loaded with sugar or artificial sweeteners. Plain is really best. But yet…. That taste!

Good news, protein powder can come to the rescue. Simply stir in half a scoop and you’ll soon be met with great tasting Greek yogurt that is even higher in protein content.

  1. Mmm…Delicious Protein Pancakes!

Craving pancakes but don’t want the carbs? Not to worry, now you can whip up a batch of protein pancakes. Just mix together an egg, a scoop of protein, and a mashed banana. Cook as you would a regular pancake and you’re all set.

  1. Protein Powder Bark

Protein bark is a great option for those times when you want dessert but don’t want the sugar that typically comes with it. Simply mix together a scoop of protein powder, two tablespoons of melted coconut oil, and a tablespoon of nut butter. Place on a tray lined with parchment paper and place in the freezer for an hour. Once frozen, break and serve. 

  1. Protein Powder Cookies

Protein cookies are another great go-to for anyone who is looking to satisfy their craving for dessert. There are countless recipes online for protein powder based cookies that swap the carbs for protein.

To make a very basic one, simply mix together two scoops of protein powder, ¾ cup of peanut butter, two tablespoons of almond flour, and then one egg. Form into cookies and bake at 355 for 7 minutes. Can you say yum?

  1. Power Oats

Finally, why not consider mixing some oatmeal in with your morning bowl of oatmeal? Oatmeal is one of the best ways to start your day, but unfortunately is very low in protein.

Not any more. Simply stir a scoop of protein in with it, add a tablespoon or two of nut butter and top with some fresh berries or other fruit as desired. It’s a well-balanced meal that will have you hitting the ground running.

So don’t think that protein powder has to mean a shake any longer. With a little creativity, there are definitely alternative ways that you can serve this excellent protein source.



What makes our LeanPro30 so powerful is that it’s 100% Grass Fed New Zealand Whey Protein Isolate which is the top-of-the-line protein variation you can put into your body.

Beneficial for both males and females, this protein powder assists with enhancing health, building more lean muscle mass, burning fat, and helping ensure that you recover quickly from your workout sessions.


Our special 100% natural New Zealand Whey protein has been combined with PROBIOTICS!

Adding Ganeden BC30 Probiotic to a protein powder that is easily the most digestible, absorbable, and most has the most overall benefit to the body on the market today.


Thanks to this probiotic, you’ll receive a 23% increase in protein utilization rate and digestion, so you get more protein to your system with each scoop.


Whey protein on its own has more leucine content than plant-based protein sources do coming in at 10-11% versus around 8%, so this is a big advantage to having this probiotic in your whey.



When you then take into consideration that protein is consumed to help increase recovery and optimize nutrition, a probiotic that has been shown to enhance the utilization of that protein, shoulder be part of everyone’s regimen.


Once we realized the ingredients to the perfect power formula then we went into the lab and got to work on creating our new LeanPro30 Protein Powder supplement.



To ensure the highest quality supplement, you’ll also find no added fats, sugars, or lactose and its gluten free, making it appropriate for everyone to use.


That’s right it’s LACTOSE FREE!!!!!


Using it regularly will help you improve the rate of muscle building you’re experiencing, enhance with tissue repair, increase your metabolism, and support a stronger immune system to help keep you, illness and disease free.


Our New Zealand Whey is a clean source of milk protein that comes from the highest quality of sources – cows that are grass fed and hormone free.




Our LeanPro30 New Zealand Whey protein powder has 100% all-natural ingredients with the following benefits:


  • No Artificial Flavors, Sweeteners or Preservatives
  • No Sugar
  • Lactose FREE
  • Gluten FREE
  • Hormone FREE
  • Soy FREE
  • Non GMO
  • No Banned Substances
  • No Bad Taste
  • FDA Approved


Plus you get 28g of protein per serving of a 31g scoop!


That’s quantity and quality per serving.


Now you can finally have the most powerful and natural whey protein isolate supplement on the market designed to maximize and maintain your fitness, athletic performance and overall health.


You can have enhanced lean muscle growth, improved peak performance, flatten your gut, better digestion, quicker recovery, boost your metabolism and enhance total body health.

  • NO GAS





If you need protein and want one of the HIGHEST QUALITY protein powder supplements on the market then click the link before and get your VIP code today!

Our protein powder is backed by science and research to ensure that we created the highest quality supplement without all the negative side effects.

Imagine if you had a protein powder that is fast absorbing to help you:

  • Decrease your appetite by affecting your hunger hormones helping you to feel full longer which can help you eat less and lose body fat
  • Boost you metabolism because of the energy spent digesting and metabolizing it
  • Finally lose your belly fat and unwanted weight to help you stay lean and toned
  • Build 3X more muscle than using other protein powders
  • Prevent muscle loss and potential metabolic slowdown. Hold on to your hard earned muscle.
  • Improve and increase your recovery time between workout sessions
  • Decrease your muscle soreness after workouts
  • And so much more!



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