Fat Shredder Bodyweight Workout Program



Fat Shredder 28 Day Bodyweight Program

The Fat Shredder 28 Day Program is an advanced bodyweight only extreme fat loss program.  If you want to lose weight and burn fat quickly then use combination movements and workouts using metabolic HIIT circuits that you can do in the comfort of your own home using no equipment but your own body.  Train beside Funk and Angela as they take you through 4 weeks of the most effective bodyweight HIIT workouts you have never done before.

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Fat Shredder Bodyweight Program overview


There are 4 main Fat Shredder workouts that you will do each week.


The workouts use combo movements and metabolic HIIT protocol to accelerate your results.


When you sign up for the 28 Day Fat Shredder Workout you will train right beside me in your living room, while I motivate, coach and workout with you I’ve pre-recorded Fat Shredder workout so you and I can battle through each session together.


All you have to do is open up the video of the day… press “play”… and give it your all for under 30 minutes.  


Within the first few weeks you will lose weight, burn unwanted fat, build lean muscle, increase overall strength and sculpt abs.


Every workout uses only your bodyweight… so you can stay consistent with the program even if you’re traveling and you’re stuck in a tiny hotel room… and it won’t matter if another lockdown hits or anything like that.


And every workout is no longer than 35 minutes so you can fit it into your schedule no problem even if you’re the busiest person in the world.


Each Workout session comes with a follow along warm up video to prepare you for battle and a follow along stretch routine to ensure that you recover after each workout.


Plus these videos are so convenient you don’t even need a stopwatch or to set up a timer on your phone.


Just follow along with me in the Fat Shredder workout of the day and you’ll chisel out a rock-hard body that turns heads and makes you feel great in your clothes, a bathing suit, and even naked.

Fat Shredder Exercise Demonstration Videos

The Fat Shredder workouts use combination movements so I have created short demo videos so you can see the exercises before you use the follow along workout videos.


These exercises are unique and movements you probably have never done before so whether you are a beginner, intermediate or advanced these workouts will challenge.


The workouts are proven to give you the biggest bang for your buck so you can achieve head-turning body and abs faster than ever before.


Even though there’s nothing “traditional” about these workouts..


Each movement is still uses basic movements.. meaning anyone can do it regardless of fitness level.. but I just combine them in one exercise.


They are super-effective when it comes to burning fat and sculpting your abs at the same time.


Best of all – you won’t need any equipment.


All you need is your body and these movements.. and your shredded body  will appear in no time.

Fat Shredder Main Guide

In this guide you will learn about HIIT training and its effectiveness.


How to melt fat like butter “the no-BS way” that can be done anywhere, anytime and by anyone.. with a minimal budget for maximum results.


How HIIT can radically spike your Growth Hormone levels for muscle-building and denser bones.


Why lazying around the house is just as important as working out for weight loss.


..and SO much more for you to learn inside!

Fat Shredder 28 Day Success Calendar

Studies show the fastest path to fat loss is to track your progress.


That’s why when you sign up for the Fat Shredder Home Workout Program you’ll also get a 28-day success calendar..


So you can keep yourself accountable and knock out these effective 30-minute workouts day after day…


Until you’re staring at a whole new body in the mirror just 28-days from now.

Your goal is very simple.


Do one 30-minute Fat Shredder workout inside the Fat Shredder Home Workout Program 4 days a week for the next 28-days.. and you’ll be unstoppable on your path to your best body and fitness ever!


Here is what you get when you purchase Fat Shredder 28 Day Workout Program Digital Download and Access

  • Fat Shredder follow along workout videos 

  • Fat Shredder demo videos 

  • Fat Shredder Workout Guide

  • Fat Shredder Success Calendar which lays out your entire 28-day schedule

  • Warm up and Stretch Routine Videos (follow along videos)

  • Access to Program on Protected Website

  • FREE ACCESS: Funk Supplements Tribe Private Facebook Group

  • LIVE Monthly Facebook Coaching: Q&A, Fitness, Supplements, Nutrition and More